It is human instinct to want to live a youthful, long and healthy life. Some people are even blessed with a genetic predisposition for longevity. However, most of us must adopt a very healthy life style in order to live long satisfying lives. For the 99% of us that have to work for our longevity, here are ten tips to help keep us as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
Eating right
Your food intake is one of the most important aspects of a long and healthy life. Eat in moderation because overeating can lead to a number of diseases and problems that will shorten your life expectancy. You should also keep an eye on your fat intake and be sure that the foods you eat are generally high in fiber and overall nutrition. This means that you should eliminate empty calories like soda and sweets. Studies on animals have shown that calorie-restriction increases life expectancy quite significantly. As you grow in age, your body needs fewer calories but more vitamins. This means that you should eat more fruits and vegetables and select natural unprocessed foods rich in Vitamin C, E and beta-carotene. Also, select those foods containing antioxidants, which fight the free radicals that promote the ageing of your body. Include an intake of about 1500 mg of calcium in your diet to support your bone structure and in women to help avoid osteoporosis. A balanced and nutritious diet is a great contributing factor for long life.
Exercise regularly
Build into your daily routine a program of regular physical exercise that is appropriate to you. A regular 30-minute work out, five days a week, is the minimum requirement for most people. Incorporate some amount of weight training to help strengthen and maintain your muscles. A 20-minute program of lifting weights appropriate to your fitness level, at least twice a week, will also be helpful. The main idea of eating right and exercising right is to achieve and maintain your ideal body weight, which is a very important factor for long life.
Be physically active
Keep moving as frequently as you can throughout the day. Your daily activity should not just consist of going to the gym. Leading a sedentary life is not at all helpful to your health. If you can get an electronic pedometer, try to register a few thousand steps on it per day. 10,000 would be ideal. Try to get outside for your activity as your body needs the Vitamin D the sun’s rays provide.
Sleep well
Getting adequate sleep and rest is an essential aspect of healthy living. Sleep deprivation is detrimental to your goal of living long. Depending on age, a minimum of eight or nine of hours of sound sleep promotes good health and, naturally, long life. Also, learn good relaxation techniques that will prevent or control hypertension.
Reduce stress
Life is filled with problems of one type or another. Learn to face them without putting yourself under too much stress. Learn coping strategies to overcome the ill effects of traumatic events like accident, divorce, death and so on.
Have a positive attitude
Adopting a positive attitude is found to be conducive to good health, to the reduction of problems associated with ageing, and to longevity.
Learn something new
Remember, learning is a life-long activity. Learn a new hobby, activity, or even something strange, as long as it is something you have never attempted to learn. Engaging your mind like this keeps your mind young and active. Exercising your mind is as important for long life as exercising your body.
Avoid toxins
Studies on most people well into their nineties show that almost all of them do not smoke and drink. Some limit their consumption of alcohol. Almost all stimulants and intoxicants affect your health adversely so avoid them whenever possible. This means avoiding alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, overuse of over-the-counter drugs and even processed foods.
Preventative health
Have regular health checks to help maintain good health. The age-old golden rule of prevention being better than cure is good for a long healthy life.
Connect with others
Healthy emotional and social connections contribute to long life. Have a goal or purpose in life and actively strive for it. Friends can be a wonderful way to stay young by providing a release from the stresses of everyday life and by bringing laughter and fun into your life.
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