Don't we all wish that the fuzzy, good feelings that we receive after a good massage could linger just a little bit longer? Well, with a little bit of homework and good self care, you can! Remember to refer to these important guidelines in the days/weeks following your massage:
Massage Frequency: Check-in with how you feel before the massage and then afterwards, pay attention to your body’s signals and get massage when your body reminds you that it needs it.
Be consistent with getting massage: Don’t go long periods without receiving massage if you can help it, your body and mind deserve the attention at regular intervals.
Drink Water!: Common guidelines state that we need 64oz. a day to help our body eliminate toxins and cleanse the circulatory system.
Stretch, Stretch, Stretch!: Another helpful habit is stretching between massages to maintain joint mobility, prevent muscles from tightening up again, and keeping the life energy flowing.
Exercise: Working out can also help maintain the benefits of massage, and this habit should be continually cultivated.
Body Awareness: After a massage, respect how your body feels. If your body seems to ask for rest, give in to that demand. After a massage, take a hot bath when you get home, you are reminding your body of the therapy you just received and you will further improve your sleep patterns.
Diet: Finally, since you've just rid the body of toxins, support the body's renewed state by adhering to a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which will continue the detoxification process. Lay off the espresso and all adrenaline-challenges for a time -- which would short-circuit relaxation anyway -- and enjoy the calm.
If having good health is a necessity, then a massage is not a luxury, it's a necessity!
Take time for yourself, take time for your health.
Angela Lind.LMT
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