
The Breath Therapy

A correct breathing improves body-awareness as well as improvement in postural control and low-back pain.But when the breath is incorrect, It can be a perpetuating factor for a number of pain syndromes, as well part and parcel of many stress-related disorders. It`s incorrect breathing reaising the chest and pulling in of the abdomen. So it`s very important that this type of breathing should be corrected. The following exercise can help retrain breathing patterns:

  • Take a slow breath, allowing the musculature of the stomach and abdomen to expand somewaht with the breath. Breath in this way for a few moments, allowing the breath to move down into the lower portions of the thorax. As constrictions of abdominal and/or thoracic musculature are felt, intentionally relax the area. If the chest or shoulders rise up, return to the focus of dropping the breath into the lower areas of the body.

  • Now inhale deeply. Allow the musculature of the thorax to relax. As the musculature relaxes the chest will expand slightly in an anterior direction, in a lateral direction and in a posterior direction. This will happen naturally in the relaxed body. Sense that a container is being filled: first the lower portion fills, then the upper portion.

  • Now exhale, emptying the upper portion first and then the lower portion. Allow the body to deflate as a balloon deflates. It will do so evenly-anteriorly, posteriorly and laterally.

  • Relax the breath and continue to breath fully and completely, paying attention to the pitfalls: the shoulders may want to rise up, the abdominal muscles may tighten. Keep them relaxed.

Try to practice in front of a mirror.
Remember: a correct breathing is part of your relaxation and healing process.

Take care!

Angela Lind. LMT


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