Many day spas have an assembly-line approach that leaves you feeling like "the clock was ticking." Most of the popular day spas have a never-ending revolving door of massage therapists working for them. As soon as you find a massage therapist you like, they're gone.
Combine that with the added stress of commuting to and from your appointment, wasting precious time you may not have, fighting through bad weather, traffic, etc.
Suddenly a trip to a day spa might not be as relaxing as it first seemed. Did you know that those interferences can often prevent or, even worse, reverse the benefits of a wonderful massage?

In today's hectic world, people more than ever want and need a relaxing, stress-reducing massage but don't have the extra time or energy to get in their car and drive yet again to another location.
Between the frustrating daily commute, long work hours and family priorities, it's getting more and more difficult to take time for yourself and squeeze everything into a single day.
Finally there's a solution just for you!
The benefits to let the massage come to you are numerous! Among them are...
No traveling required! Enjoy the pleasure of staying in your own comfortable surroundings and holding onto the benefits of your massage longer without any outside interruptions.
No miserable or dangerous weather you'll have to risk driving through.
You don't have to listen people talking on hallways of the spa, phones ringing and getting dressed without taking a shower (most of day spas don't have showers).
You save time for yourself at your place: you can start relaxing before your massage by taking a hot shower or hot bath, drinking a hot tea, listening to your favorite music and read that book you have been waiting to have the time to read it!
Keeping your blood pressure low by completely eliminating the stress of traffic jams, construction and aggravation.
Did you know that...
Therapeutic massage is a natural, healthier response to stress or pain than aspirin or other pills and drugs. Massage is also advocated by most traditional as well as alternative doctors.
Provides Muscle relaxation. Massage has been found to dramatically reduce stress by relieving muscular tension and stiffness as well as aid in relaxation of the muscles.
Provides pain reduction. Because massage can reduce muscle spasm and give comfort to aching muscles, those who have back pains or muscle pains often go to massage centers to alleviate pain.
Provides enhancement of blood circulation. This is why those who are diagnosed with circulatory problems are often encouraged to receive massage therapies.
Improves flexibility, athletic performance and range of motion. It's not a surprise that many athletes indulge in massage. Not only does this improve their performance, it is also a good way to prevent injuries.
Provides easy rehabilitation. Massage facilitates easy recovery from an injury such as a leg sprain.
Is a good treatment and improvement of some medical conditions such as Arthritis, Hypertension and musculoskeletal problems.
Relieves pain from exercise and sports-related activities. People who participate in all kinds of physical activities often say that regular massage improves their performance thanks to improved flexibility, range of motion and pain-free movement.
Helps in Stress Management. Experts show that a high number of health problems root from stress. Stress from work, relationships and day-to-day living contribute largely too many diseases. And because it's impossible to eradicate stress on the face of the earth, a good option is proper stress management. Massage is an effective way of managing stress because it allows to you to have momentary peace of mind and a relaxed mental state which are important in keeping yourself mentally healthy.
Helps reduction of anxiety and fatigue. Better sleep quality. It is for this reason why people diagnosed with insomnia love getting massages.

True enough, the value of massage therapy is priceless. With the countless benefits to get a massage at your place, it is just right to treat yourself with a session every once in a while.As awareness grows and misconceptions fade regarding the value of massage therapy, more and more people are discovering the profound benefits available to them through regular body work.
Getting regular massage treatments should be part of your normal health program. It should be viewed just like diet and exercise. This is something that you should do on a daily basis. It is important not to wait to you need a massage, but rather get one before the need arises.
So what are you waiting for?
Invest in yourself
Invest in your health
Angela Lind
Licensed Massage Therapist